Scaffolding Details

Short explanations for the purpose of different directories in our proposed scaffolding


This directory should contain all GitHub actions and workflows


This directory contains all of our storybook components for reusable UI elements


Any relevant documentation


All cypress testing configs, mocks, tests


Any assets used globally and not stored on CDN


All atomic react components as component directories that contain the component, styles, and tests.


Each component directory should contain the index file with component export, abstracted styles, unit tests, and any specific helper files







Each of these directories should be used for views or parent containers used for component composition. When thinking of views you should be considering routing - if it is something that would exist on its own route then it is most likely a good view candidate.


All third party and in house service configurations should exist here i.e. Auth0, cloud/CDN configs, custom api connect configs, etc


All typescript types and interfaces


Any exportable data or json files


Anything related to the global store on the front end will go here whether that be Redux or another solution


Custom contexts should be placed here i.e. theming, language, etc


All globally accessible custom utilities


Any custom validation configs

Last updated