Solr research

Dev environment*am*&q.op=OR&indent=true

Some search cases:

  • Search mutiple words (or)

    http://localhost:8888/solr/mycoll/select?q=publisher_s:(SETA Namco)

  • Search crossing fields:

    q=title:(Desert FighterEU) OR publisher_s:Namco

  • Search with wild



  • Fuzzy search

    To search words that have a 2 charaters distance with the given keyword:


  • Range search:

    q=year_i:[1993 TO 1994]

  • Change the rank/relevant of result:

    search both in title and publisher, but the publisher get higher releevant:

    q=title:ActRaiser OR publisher_s:Namco^4


Currently, we just deployed a single node, 300M, in the future, we will consider deploying the cluster version.

There is a basic deployment under infrastrature, solr folder.

To initiate the solr and create a core:

kubectl -n webmap exec deployment/treetracker-solr -it -- solr create -c mycoll

To import data into solr and index:

curl "" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" -T "snes.json" -X POST -v

Last updated