User Stories (WIP)

Detailed user stories for the Contract management tool

As an Organization Admin...

New Agreement

I Want
So That

To draft a new Agreement (in the “planning/drafting” state)

I can populate and revise Agreement details across one or more session

To give each draft Agreement a name and optional description

I can easily identify the Agreement later

To specify the type of a draft Agreement as either Grower, Nursery, Village Champion or Organization

I can easily identify and group Agreements later

To select a Stakeholder as a Funder for a draft Agreement

I can keep track of who is providing funding for the Agreement

To select a Stakeholder as a Growing Organization for a draft Agreement

I can keep track of who is responsible for tracking trees under the Agreement

To optionally appoint a Coordination/management team for a draft Agreement

I can record who is responsible for enforcing the Agreement

To optionally select a Species Agreement for a draft Agreement

I can specify capture payments dependent on the species of a tree under the Agreement

I can specify how earnings are accumulated under the Agreement

I can split out specific quotas to 1 or many growers and contract

To be able to revise all attributes of an Agreement in the planning (draft) phase

I can make corrections or updates until the Agreement is fixed

Other Organization Admin users to view draft and edit Agreements owned by my organization (need to display agreement owner/creator)

I can collaborate with my colleagues on the Agreement

Existing Agreement

I Want
So That

To progress an Agreement from "planning" to "open"

The Agreement becomes immutable and I can use it to create contracts

To abort unwanted Agreements in the "planning" phase

It can be archived and not used for contracts

To close an "open" Agreement

The Agreement can no longer be used to create contracts

Agreements in any stage other than "planning" to be immutable

There is no risk of modifying an Agreement after it has been signed

Coordination Team

I Want
So That

To compile a Coordination Team from existing Stakeholders and assign roles ("supervisor", "area manager") to them within the team

I can assign the team to Agreements

To give each Coordination Team a name and optional description

I can easily identify the Consolidation Team later

To optionally specify that a Coordinator reports to another Coordinator

I can keep track of the coordination hierarchy

To modify an existing Coordination Team by adding members, marking existing members as inactive, modifying Coordinator roles and changing the reporting hierarchy

I can keep the Coordination Team record in line with reality

Species Agreements

I Want
So That

Agreement Regions

I Want
So That

Consolidation Rules

I Want
So That

New Contract

I Want
So That

To create a contract from an Agreement

The contract becomes active and can start to accumulate tree captures for fulfilment

Contract Documents

I Want
So That

To attach Contract Documents to Contracts

I can link Contract records to signed hard copies of contracts

To replace Contract Documents with newer versions

I can keep documents associated with Contracts up to date

To record a history of Contract Documents

I can keep track of changes and know which version is associated with a Contract record

Last updated