Team Projects
Schema support for db-migrate
We decided to assign search_path to each microservice user (service and migration users) in terraform to resolve this need.
Developer Productivity
Codeowners file and agreements
Document observability tools and access
ELK: `kubernetes.container.image :"greenstand/treetracker-api:1.4.0"
deployed image version can be found by visiting the root path of any deployed api "treetracker-api"
u: admin p:xRrE6vZDUcRph%1P%0H
grafana (Performance monitoring)
Document about how deployment to dev environment works.
Figure out if dicpher can work with node16 or if there is a replacement (npm run decrypt)
Password for dipher is pinned
Improve Documentation
Sealed secrets: treetracker-infrastructure/sealed-secrets/scripts/
Improve Microservices Template
resolve all lint warnings
Update lint settings to our likely - are there rules we want to enable?
remove co-mocha?
YES, remove from the template
require lint errors to be removed to commit.
Reject on warnings in CI, but not in husky
Reject on errors in husky
Quaid adding his settings to microservice template
Resolve all vulnerabilities
Check for vulnerabilities when a new PR comes in.
Resolve dependencies errors for test files
"import/no-extraneous-dependencies": [ "error", { "devDependencies": ["
/*.test.js", "
/*.spec.js"] } ]
Last updated
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