Testing Methodology
Unit Tests
Integration Tests
Only access the API, do not perform database check
First write seeded tests for GET endpoints
Then write tests for create and update that use GET endpoint to validate functionality
APIs should return created objects, and get queryable via these object Ids
Seeding should be done using knex, and use the same seeding scenarios provided to the frontend developers
Best Practices
Do specific seeding for each integration test, don't use a generic seed that isn't for the specific test
Objects posted to an API should be explicitly expressed within the integration test file (?)
Use async syntax
it('should do something', async function() { ...
Log request errors in test to facilitate debugging
if(res.error ) { console.log(res.error); }
Stub functions on a per-test basis
Running integration tests
Use the test-integration-working command to specific a specific test file rather than running all
Use .only to specify a single test
Don't leave .only in place after getting the test to pass
Need a solution to print response errors when expect fails on an error code
What tests are required?
Endpoint behaviors
How much validation?
Payload structure vs 404 responses
JOI tests could be unit tests
Last updated
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