Impact Map Application Goals
what the web map is
what do the users want to see on it
Impact Map Design Document (Desktop 3) on
The "Wallet Web App" is a separate application !!!
Impact Map Application
Context, what is the first thing that you see
UX question for when you arrive
Context for when people arrive with a filter
Goals / Feature
Showing the trees and captures
Presenting different views of the data that’s available, context specific
Organizations (Impact Managers), Users, Geographic Areas, etc.
Timeline Filter
Planters being able to find trees that have been uploaded
Showing analytics of impact for specific contexts
Impact Panel
Needs review
Individual trees
Particular areas/groups of trees
What are users looking for when they arrive at
Providing context when a web users lands on the map
Global Context (what is Treetracker)
Specific Context (What is this organization)
Basic Geographic Context (what do we want to show on the map)
Naming of items like watersheds
Mobile Use Case
Sharing Impact with the Public
Desktop Use Case
Analytic, Impact Managers
Web GIS for data visualization and certain use cases (advanced)
Special layers, filters, etc
Watching certain trees, planters
Favorite species
Messaging Feature (??)
Stars, Gratitude
Green Leaves
Broader community conversation hub?
Marketing Planting Organizations
How do I support more trees
Freetown as a focus use case
Figma document for next time
Articulate analytics
Bi-monthly meeting (2 weeks from first meeting)
Disorganized Thoughts Below..
GIS Layers
Is a Impact Map 'account' the same thing as a 'wallet'?? Probably
Review of Patrick's Design
Move the interactive components to the admin panel project
Last updated
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