UI Questions
See More - how does it work
Show a modal with the full list
Modal should be scrollable
Just like the card, but a full list
Embedding of the report widgets
Allow Freetown to embed using iframe
Modal will not be available when embedded, no 'see more' link
Embed should be able to configure number of rows shown
Time range feature
Implement it, send start and end date
We will run reports in UTC time for now (add time zone support later)
What is the 6th statistic?
It is average captures per planter per sub-organization
Exploratory Visualization (Vidya)
Generating visualizations to get visibility on data
Provide a PDF of visualizations to Seb to review with Freetown and provide feedback
This work to eventually feed specs for new reporting widgets
How do we handle sub-organizations?
Long term
Organizational hierarchy will be exported into the reporting schema, either as a json blob directly into capture_denomalized (to be searched using specialized json query syntax), or as a separate table required a join
Short Term
We will only expose the reporting widgets to Freetown admin panel users, and only populate the reporting schema with Freetown data
The 'organization' provided for each capture record will be the sub-organization, the 'CBO' in Freetown's case.
API Details
Support queries using start and end date (date range)
Implement the 6th statistic (described above)
Daniel has PR merge permissions on the reporting API, to easily support Dadior's frontend dev
Data Details
Need to support catchment areas - capture this in the job that populates capture_denormalized and simply add a new column to that table.
Implement this as a dependent job that runs after the main copy job? Could make it easier to add support for this to other orgs, modularly.
Create an earnings_denormalized table to support reporting related to earnings.
Join earnings, organization, and planter/person details at a minimum. Catchment area is also relevant here, but unclear which spatial location to use in the query.
Daniel, at the latest Monday
Dadior one or two days after providing the API to integrat.
Target Next Thursday.
Test against the admin staging environment (also staging environment for web map)
Zaven: set up deployment automation for API by next week
Zaven: finalize partial staging by next week (reminder to handle the web map for this too)
Last updated