Grant Content & Resources

There are several resources available to help identify content for grant proposals.

Reviewing past grants are an excellent resource.


Greenstand's Grants Google Drive

This drive contains resources, past grants and much more. Here you can pull components from past applications to populate new ones.

Each grant that is deemed eligible should be entered on to a Grant's template in the team drive, with all the requirements and questions applicable.

Grants Drive - should be used to organize all the documents for any given grants.

Please ensure opportunities are moved according to which stage each submission is at.

Ezra, Sebastian and Cynthia can add new users to G-Drive - DM or tag on grants channel to make this request.


Contains a list of all grants we have applied for and the ones in progress.

Grant's Template Document

This is a prefilled Google document with information that is required on all grants, Tax Id number (EIN), 501c3 status, Phone number, address, etc. Link to Template

Slack channel Canvas and Pins are useful for keeping useful resources quickly accessible. Refer back to these and add to the pins as needed.

Specifically - the G-Drive folder "01 Grant Writing Resources" has helpful content.

Greenstand Case Statement - is specifically created to support fundraising by outline goals, marketing materials, and other information specific to making funding requests. This document can be found here in the GitBook Operations space on the left-hand panel or in G-Drive using the link in the title above.

Treetracker Impact Data - otherwise known as the data that shows what we've accomplished to date. Data should be updated quarterly to ensure grants & communications team have the best numbers available to use. If this table hasn't been updated and requires attention, a request to update the data can be made on the data_reporting channel by specifically tagging Sebastian. He or a data reporting volunteer will be able to run the database queries to update the numbers. Pay special attention to the "Lifetime Data" versus the individual years, as this can be very informative.

Greenstand YouTube - has all of the published videos available to Greenstand.

Greenstand Operations Handbook - outlines details on how we accomplish work as a remote team. It contains other resources, and provides information about the project at large. This document can also be accessed in the GitBook Operations space on the left-hand panel or in G-Drive.

Greenstand External Communications Policies & Procedures v2 - includes preferred terminology, spellings, and other intricacies about how we prefer to communicate the project externally. This document can be found here in the GitBook Operations space on the left-hand panel or in G-Drive using the link in the title above.

Last updated