Intrinsic benefits
This section explains the wide range of intrinsic benefits that Greenstand supporters and contributors enjoy.
Intrinsic benefits are the most plentiful reward for supporting Greenstand; our supporters can know they have made a valuable impact in the following areas:
Poverty - supporting populations who would not otherwise have access to environmentally or economically sustainable income opportunities
Industry - participating in an incredibly important movement helping to bring accountability and transparency to tree-planting initiatives worldwide
Climate - as trees grow, they mitigate climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air, storing carbon in the trees and soil, and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere, thereby cooling our overheated planet
Ecosystem – planting trees is associated with myriad co-benefits including:
Reduction of erosion, landslides, floods, and other catastrophic climate events
Increased nutrient cycling and water purification
Expansion of wildlife habitats that support a diverse array of wildlife
Future Generations - these improvements to existing tree planting models and the resulting positive climate impacts will continue to benefit our world for all of the generations that will one day inhabit it
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