Treetracker Liaison Checklists
For everyone in Greenstand communicating with new contacts who are potentially tracking trees.
Initial Checklist
Procedure for all communications with someone who may track trees:
Carry conversation from HubSpot Conversations Inbox into personal HubSpot Linked Gmail account
Create Contact and Company - HubSpot
Add Contacts and emails to Company - HubSpot
Assign ownership to self in Contact and Company Properties- HubSpot
Log all emails/phone/WhatsApp convos in Contact Activity - HubSpot
Establish ability to use Treetracker App
Will they have a good Android phone?
If reasonable, ask Contact to use Treetracker app and sync some trees before orientation
Attach planter survey as pdf to Company - HubSpot
Pre-Orientation Checklist
Procedure for anyone serious about a significant tracking project.
Set up a meeting time with Contact in Google Calendar
Evaluate planter survey and link to Orientation Template
Pull up THTP admin panel
Pull up THTP map
Pull up Greenstandard (coming soon)
Print orientation template or pull up on separate screen for note taking
Post-Orientation Checklist
Save Orientation Notes in a new folder named after the organization in Seb’s shared drive under Client Projects (follow the numbering format for new folders)
Cut and paste orientation notes into a HubSpot meeting note in the Company activity
Create a Deal for the Company and place in “Orientation Complete” on Pipeline
Complete MOU in Doc Templates and save in Drive Folder as .doc
Download completed MOU as a PDF and send to Contact for review and signature
Upon receipt of signed MOU.pdf, save it in Drive folder and Slack to Operations (Tabi) to sign
Upon receipt of double signed MOU, replace all MOU’s with the final in Drive folder
Email signed MOU.pdf to Contact for their records
Attach signed MOU pdf to Company in HubSpot
Create a Task-to-self to follow up with Contact to find their first captures/check in.
Send Data Manager (Seb) a transparent logo for map
Send Communications Lead (Erin) the transparent logo & a link to their website for our website
Create a Task to Data Manager (Seb) to “Do Data Manager Checklist” as follows:
A. Create recurring data cleansing and script to match the planters to the Company
B. Add to Company Properties in Hubspot
C. Add to Client Project, folder Name in Drive
C. Add Map URL to Company properties (but not Admin Panel access due to privacy issues… where does data manager store this?)
D. Email Contact with Admin Panel Access and Custom Map URL
E. Move up Company in Deals to “Admin Panel Access/URL Map Sent”
F. Create a task In Company Activity to Liaison (Karen) letting her know Company has access.
Email Contact to check in and offer availability when in need
Create Task to check monthly for progress on tracking
Payments Checklist
After Company is in Deals as “Admin Panel Access/URL Map Sent”, create a task for Accounts Manager (Tabi) to:
Invoice Company for $250 by email to Contact using Invoice Email Template
Move Company up Pipeline to “Payment Received” once payment is received and receipt sent to contact
Write amount of payment in Deal Properties
Create a task to in Company activity to Liaison (Karen) saying paid.
If we decide to give Wallet Access to a Company that has not paid the suggested donation, move the Company deal to “Payment Received” and log at $0 in Company Properties. (add WaletName to Hubspot)
Wallet Checklist
Create a task each month to evaluate whether or not Contact may want a Wallet
When Contact requests a Wallet, create a Task for Wallet Handler (Seb) to:
Create a Org Wallet
Enter Org Wallet URL in Company Properties
Email the Contact using the Wallet Access Email Template. It will have their Wallet URL and offer Google form for Transfer Requests and re-explain the 3% fee. Explain and determine how the 3% fee will be taken with Contact
Record how 3% fee will be taken in Hubspot Activity (i.e. randomized as transfers occur or unique selection offered in bulk up front)
Create a task alerting the Liaison that they have Wallet Access
Move the Company’s Deal to Impact Wallet Access Sent
Satisfy Google Form Token Transfer Requests coming in from Contact
Attach Google Form Token Transfer Requests asPDF in Planting Company in Hubspot
Attach URL’s of investor Wallets produced in Investor Company in Hubspot
Once the Client has successfully transferred tokens & the fee taken, then move Company Deal to Operational.
Study Planting Company and Client Company checking for loose ends
Create a task to study the progress of the Company every other month and check in as needed.
Last updated