Index of Policies
Index of Policies
Greenstand embraces continuous improvement
If you don’t find what you are looking for, please ask someone at Greenstand. IF the policy doesn’t exist and you think we need it, please make a request to produce such a policy.
Index of active policies
Index and Link to ALL policies can be found here
Contributor Covenant Code Of Conduct
GreenStand - Privacy Policy: Unless otherwise authorized we will not disclose sensitive user information, such as contact information. Our primary data collection is focused around scientific research related to the survival processes of trees as well as systematic harvesting of tree-related products. More... can be found in the Index above..
Safeguard and Whistleblower Protection Policy
Financial Control policy, Internal and External Controls
External Communications Policy
[Procurement and Policy and Procedures]
Greenstand Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy
Greenstand does not unlawfully discriminate internally (in its administrative and program operations) or externally (in its recipients of services) on the basis of race, political orientation, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, national or social origin, ancestry, economic or social status, place of residence, marital or family status, veteran status, health status, or mental or physical disability. Contributors of diverse backgrounds and life experiences are what makes Greenstand special; all you need is stable WIFI and a willingness to learn!
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