How to Use the Treetracker Wallet API


You may also find help in a more-detailed, less-explanatory document, the Treetracker API Reference.


You can read, write, download, and move your Greenstand tree data with Treetracker's application programing interface (API).

Send HTTP requests to the API server. The server replies with the results of your request.

For example, send


Treetracker returns data about the first tree token in your Treetracker wallet.

{ tokens: [ {
  id: "35ab365b-8864-42d4-8ba6-29700dfba334",
  capture_id: "e077293b-61e6-49ab-90d7-207d2f14e06f",
  wallet_id: "f2832ab6-cc58-4922-920a-568a3b63e247",
  transfer_pending: false,
  transfer_pending_id: null,
  created_at: "2021-08-26T20:19:06.089Z",
  updated_at: "2021-08-26T20:19:06.089Z",
  origin: null,
  claim: false,
  links: { capture: "/webmap/tree?uuid=e077293b-61e6-49ab-90d7-207d2f14e06f" }
} ] }

Almost all Treetracker data moves in JSON objects, like the example above.

These instructions explain typical uses of the wallet API, and they provide examples in JavaScript and cURL code.

These instructions assume you are familiar with those languages, and with the basics of sending and receiving HTTP requests and parsing JSON data.

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Your API Keys

To use the API you need to get three keys from Greenstand:


  • wallet name

  • wallet password

All API requests need two headers:


  • Content-Type:application/json

Your first API request--your authentication request--uses your wallet name and password to get another key:

  • bearer token

All subsequent requests need the bearer token in a third header:

  • Authorization:Bearer <token>

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Sample JavaScript

These instructions describe HTTP methods, URL paths, and HTTP message bodies. For example, send an authentication request like this:

Method: POST
Path: /wallet/auth
Body: {"wallet": "<name>", "password": "<password>"}

You can substitute those values into the following sample of JavaScript code for a NodeJS environment.

//-- JavaScript for NodeJS ----------------
// Set 5 variables below.
// For the body, sometimes supply a JSON data object.
//   Sometimes supply six characters: "null"
// bearerToken is the value returned by your first request:
//   POST /wallet/auth {"wallet": "<name>", "password": "<password>"}
// A bearerToken remains valid for about one year.
// Modify 2 functions below to suit your need:
//   handleReply() and handleError()
//-- Set 5 variables ----------------------
var config={
} // end config
//-- Handle reply -------------------------
const handleReply=function(code,msg,obj){
  console.log(code+': '+msg);
} // end handleReply
//-- Handle error -------------------------
const handleError=function(src,code,msg,body){
  console.log(code+': '+msg);
} // end handleError
//-- Function to send request -------------
const https=require('https');
const sendRequest=function(){
    //-- Define request -------------------
    let options={
        "Authorization":"Bearer "+config.bearerToken
    var req = https.request(options,function(reply){
      //-- Handle response ----------------
      reply.on("error",function(err){handleError('Reply error',499,err,null);});
      var chunks = [];
        let code=parseInt(reply.statusCode);
        let msg=reply.statusMessage;
        let body=Buffer.concat(chunks).toString();
        let obj=null;
        catch(e){handleError('JSON parse error',code,msg,body);return;}
        if((code<200)||(code>299)){handleError('Reply code error',code,msg,obj);return;}
    //-- If request has a body, send it ---
    if((config.body)&&(typeof config.body=='object')){
    //-- end ------------------------------
  catch(err){handleError('sendRequest() error',499,err,null);}
}// end sendRequest
//-- Execute ------------------------------
//-- End JavaScript -----------------------

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Sample Bash and cURL

For Bash and cURL on Mac or Linux, here is sample code.

# -- Bash and cURL -------------------------
# Set 5 variables below.
# Path values usually need 'quotes.' 
# For the body, sometimes supply a JSON-formatted string 
#   inside single quotes: '{"key":"value"}'
#   Sometimes supply four characters: null
#   Boolean values need quotes '{"name":"true"}'
# bearerToken is the value returned by your first request: 
#   POST /wallet/auth {"wallet": "<name>", "password": "<password>"}
#   A bearerToken remains valid for about one year.
# -- Set 5 variables -----------------------
# -- Send request --------------------------
if [[ $body == "null" ]]; then
  curl -L -X $method $host$path -H $apikey -H $type -H 'Authorization: Bearer '${bearerToken} 
if [[ $body != "null" ]]; then
  curl -L -X $method $host$path -H $apikey -H $type -H 'Authorization: Bearer '${bearerToken} -d $body
# -- End Bash ------------------------------

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Every new user of the API needs to start with an authentication request.

That request returns a "bearer token," a string of 852 characters that goes in the header of all subsequent requests. Without it, requests return an error. A bearer token is valid for about one year.

Send this request:

Method: POST
Path: /wallet/auth
Body: {"wallet": "<nameOfYourTreetrackerWallet>", "password": "<yourWalletPassword>"}

The API responds with:

200: OK
{ token: "<852characters>" }

In subsequent requests, include this header

"Authorization":"Bearer <852characters>"

If you do not, or if the bearer token has expired, the API responds with:

403: ERROR: Authentication, token not verified.

Or simply:

{"code":500,"message":"Unknown error (undefined)"}

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List Your Trees

Treetracker describes trees in data objects called tree tokens.

Tokens for your trees are stored in your wallets.

To get a list of the tokens in a given wallet, send this request:

Method: GET
Path: /wallet/tokens?limit=999&wallet=<walletName>

The API responds with an array of token objects:

200: OK
{ tokens: [ {<token>},{<token>},{<token>}, ... ] }

Each token object looks like this:

  id: '2d36cf63-8cb5-4067-8d5e-faa392eb5306',
  capture_id: '3cbdcc97-e4fc-433b-b3bb-521847d19c84',
  wallet_id: 'f2832ab6-cc58-4922-920a-568a3b63e247',
  transfer_pending: false,
  transfer_pending_id: null,
  created_at: '2021-08-26T20:19:06.089Z',
  updated_at: '2021-08-26T20:19:06.089Z',
  origin: null,
  claim: false,
  links: {capture: "/webmap/tree?uuid=6fdd1365-dae5-465c-af6d-4e87e3f25634"}

The links.capture value is the path to more complete data about the tree, for example:

Note that the tree ID in the link is different than the token ID.

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Pass Trees to a Client or Friend

Suppose Alice runs a landscaping business, and she wants to encourage a favorite customer, Bob, by giving him some of her Greenstand trees.

Alice's task is to create a wallet, put some tree tokens into it, and give Bob the link to view them.

First, Alice creates Bob's wallet with this API request:

Method: POST
Path:   /wallet/wallets
Body:   {"wallet": "BobsWallet"}

The API responds thus:

200: OK
{wallet: "BobsWallet"}

Second, Alice moves three of her tokens into Bob's Wallet:

Method: POST
Path: /wallet/transfers
  "sender_wallet": "AlicesWallet",
  "receiver_wallet": "BobsWallet",
  "tokens": ["<token_id>","<token_id>","<token_id>"]

The API responds with a transfer object:

201: Created
  id: '47c3e3b6-b2be-41e4-8264-37df44df66a6',
  type: 'send',
  parameters:{ tokens: ["<token_id>","<token_id>","<token_id>"] }
  state: 'completed',
  created_at: '2021-10-01T12:27:17.940Z',
  closed_at: '2021-10-01T12:27:17.940Z',
  active: true,
  claim: false,
  originating_wallet: 'AlicesWallet',
  source_wallet: 'AlicesWallet',
  destination_wallet: 'BobsWallet'

Now Alice can direct Bob (or anyone else) to find his trees on the map:

Note that Bob does not manage his wallet. Alice does. BobsWallet does not have its own password. Bob cannot use the API. Only Greenstand administrators can create a new user account with a new managed wallet.

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Send Trees to a New Manager

Alice and Bob are generous people who support tree farmers. They use Treetracker tokens and wallets to measure their success.

Alice and Bob both manage their own wallets. Alice wants to transfer 200 tokens from Alice's wallet to Bob's.

It's a two-stop process:

  1. Alice requests the transfer.

  2. Bob accepts it.

First, Alice posts this request:

Method: POST
Path: /wallet/transfers
  "sender_wallet": "AlicesWallet",
  "receiver_wallet": "BobsWallet",
  "bundle":{"bundle_size": 200}

The API replies with a transfer object:

202: Accepted
  id: '47c3e3b6-b2be-41e4-8264-37df44df66a6',
  type: 'send',
  parameters: { bundle: { bundleSize: 200 } },
  state: 'pending',
  created_at: '2021-11-01T12:27:17.940Z',
  closed_at: '2021-11-01T12:27:17.940Z',
  active: true,
  claim: false,
  originating_wallet: 'AlicesWallet',
  source_wallet: 'AlicesWallet',
  destination_wallet: 'BobsWallet'

Note the state of that transfer: pending. The transfer is not complete, despite the response message: Accepted. Also note the id of that transfer.

Second, Bob reads that same transfer object with this request:

Method: GET
Path: /wallet/transfers?limit=1&wallet=BobsWallet&state=pending

The API replies with an array of transfer objects.

200: OK
{ transfers: [ {<transfer>},{<transfer>},{<transfer>}, ... ] }

In that array, Bob finds the transfer request that originated with Alice:

id: '47c3e3b6-b2be-41e4-8264-37df44df66a6',
state: pending,
originating_wallet: 'AlicesWallet',
source_wallet: 'AlicesWallet',
destination_wallet: 'BobsWallet'

Bob completes the transfer by copying the id and sending this request:

Method: POST
Path: /wallet/transfers/47c3e3b6-b2be-41e4-8264-37df44df66a6/accept

The API responds with a revised transfer request object. The state is now completed.

200 OK
  id: '47c3e3b6-b2be-41e4-8264-37df44df66a6',
  type: 'send',
  parameters: { bundle: { bundleSize: 200 } },
  state: 'completed',
  created_at: '2021-11-01T22:27:17.940Z',
  closed_at: '2021-11-01T22:27:17.940Z',
  active: true,
  claim: false,
  originating_wallet: 'AlicesWallet',
  source_wallet: 'AlicesWallet',
  destination_wallet: 'BobsWallet'

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Ask for More Trees

Alice and Bob are generous people who support tree farmers. They use Treetracker tokens and wallets to measure their success.

Alice and Bob both manage their own wallets. Bob wants Alice to give him 200 of her tokens.

It's a two-stop process:

  1. Bob requests the transfer.

  2. Alice fulfills it.

First, Bob posts this request:

Method: POST
Path: /wallet/transfers
  "sender_wallet": "AlicesWallet",
  "receiver_wallet": "BobsWallet",
  "bundle":{"bundle_size": 200}

The API replies with a transfer object:

202: Accepted
  id: '47c3e3b6-b2be-41e4-8264-37df44df66a6',
  type: 'send',
  parameters: { bundle: { bundleSize: 200 } },
  state: 'requested',
  created_at: '2021-11-01T12:27:17.940Z',
  closed_at: '2021-11-01T12:27:17.940Z',
  active: true,
  claim: false,
  originating_wallet: 'BobsWallet',
  source_wallet: 'AlicesWallet',
  destination_wallet: 'BobsWallet'

Note the state of that transfer: requested. The transfer is not complete, despite the response message: Accepted. Also note the id of that transfer.

Second, Alice reads that same transfer object with this request:

Method: GET
Path: /wallet/transfers?limit=1&wallet=AlicesWallet&state=requested

The API replies with an array of transfer objects.

200: OK
{ transfers: [ {<transfer>},{<transfer>},{<transfer>}, ... ] }

In that array, Alice finds the transfer request that originated with Bob:

id: '47c3e3b6-b2be-41e4-8264-37df44df66a6',
state: requested,
originating_wallet: 'BobsWallet',
source_wallet: 'AlicesWallet',
destination_wallet: 'BobsWallet'

Alice completes the transfer by copying the id and sending this request:

Method: POST
Path: /wallet/transfers/47c3e3b6-b2be-41e4-8264-37df44df66a6/fulfill
Body: {"implicit":true}

The API responds with a revised transfer request object. The state is now completed.

200 OK
  id: '47c3e3b6-b2be-41e4-8264-37df44df66a6',
  type: 'send',
  parameters: { bundle: { bundleSize: 200 } },
  state: 'completed',
  created_at: '2021-11-01T22:27:17.940Z',
  closed_at: '2021-11-01T22:27:17.940Z',
  active: true,
  claim: false,
  originating_wallet: 'BobsWallet',
  source_wallet: 'AlicesWallet',
  destination_wallet: 'BobsWallet'

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Trust Someone to Give You Tokens Anytime

Alice is Bob's business partner. She often transfers tokens to Bob's wallet. So often, that it is a nuisance for Bob to explicitly accept each and every transfer.

So Alice and Bob create a trust relationship, as follows.

First, Bob sends a request to create the trust:

Method: POST
Path: /wallet/trust_relationships
  "trust_request_type": "receive",
  "requestee_wallet": "AlicesWallet"

The API replies with a trust relationship object:

200: OK
  id: b6b9ed89-5bd4-4b53-9b60-609fb78dc119
  type: send
  request_type: receive
  state: requested
  created_at: 2021-11-24T14:59:38.783Z
  updated_at: 2021-11-24T14:59:38.783Z
  originating_wallet: BobsWallet
  actor_wallet: BobsWallet
  target_wallet: AlicesWallet

Note the state of that trust: requested. Also note the id of that trust.

Second, Alice reads that same trust object with this request:

Method: GET
Path: /wallet/trust_relationships?limit=99&state=requested

The API replies with an array of trust objects.

200: OK
{ trust_relationships: [ {<trust_relationship>},{<trust_relationship>},{<trust_relationship>}, ... ] }

In that array, Alice finds the trust request that originated with Bob:

id: 'b6b9ed89-5bd4-4b53-9b60-609fb78dc119',
request_type: receive
state: requested,
originating_wallet: BobsWallet
actor_wallet: BobsWallet
target_wallet: AlicesWallet

Alice creates the trust relationship by copying the id and sending this request:

Method: POST
Path: /wallet/trust_relationships/b6b9ed89-5bd4-4b53-9b60-609fb78dc119/accept

The API responds with a revised trust object. The state is now trusted.

200: OK
  id: b6b9ed89-5bd4-4b53-9b60-609fb78dc119
  type: send
  request_type: receive
  state: trusted
  created_at: 2021-11-24T14:59:38.783Z
  updated_at: 2021-11-24T14:59:38.783Z
  originating_wallet: BobsWallet
  actor_wallet: BobsWallet
  target_wallet: AlicesWallet

From now on, Alice can transfer tokens to Bob without Bob's explicit permission. Alice can POST /wallet/transfers and the tokens will immediately move to BobsWallet. Bob does not need to find the transfer id and POST /wallet/transfers/<transfer_id>/accept.

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Ask for Trust to Give, Take, or Both

In the instructions above, Trust Someone to Give You Tokens Anytime, Bob wanted to let Alice transfer tokens to Bob. So he sent:

Method: POST
Path: /wallet/trust_relationships
  "trust_request_type": "receive",
  "requestee_wallet": "AlicesWallet"

In other words, Bob, the requester, wants to receive tokens from Alice, the requestee.

There are four trust_request_types. They allow transfers in either direction or both: from Alice to Bob, from Bob to Alice, or both. As follows:

receive: The requester (Bob) lets the requestee (Alice) give him tokens.

send: The requester (Bob) can give tokens to the requestee (Alice).

manage: The requester (Bob) can both give tokens to, and take tokens from, the requestee (Alice).

yield: The requester (Bob) allows the requestee (Alice) to both give tokens to him and take tokens from him.

What trust_request_types mean:
Requestee/target gets to transfer tokens this way:
receive:    origin's wallet <--- requestee's token
yield:      origin's wallet <--- requestee's token
             origin's token ---> requestee's wallet
Originator/requester gets to transfer tokens this way:
send:         origin's token ---> requestee's wallet
manage:       origin's token ---> requestee's wallet
             origin's wallet <--- requestee's token

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Stop Trusting

For a long time, Bob has trusted Alice to transfer tokens into his wallet whenever she wants. But Alice and Bob have moved on to different businesses. They need to break that trust relationship.

Either of them can do so:

Either of them finds the necessary trust relationship ID:

Method: GET
Path: /wallet/trust_relationships?limit=99&state=trusted

The API replies with an array of trust objects:

200: OK
{ trust_relationships: [ {<trust_relationship>},{<trust_relationship>},{<trust_relationship>}, ... ] }

In that array, they find the trust that let's Bob receive transfers from Alice:

  id: b6b9ed89-5bd4-4b53-9b60-609fb78dc119
  type: send
  request_type: receive
  state: trusted
  created_at: 2021-11-24T14:59:38.783Z
  updated_at: 2021-11-24T14:59:38.783Z
  originating_wallet: BobsWallet
  actor_wallet: BobsWallet
  target_wallet: AlicesWallet

They copy the id of that trust, then Bob uses it one way, Alice another:

Bob originated the trust; he sent the request that started it. So Bob can DELETE the trust:

Method: DELETE
Path: /wallet/trust_relationships/<trust_relationship_id>

The API's response is a revised trust relationship object. It says:

state: cancelled_by_originator

Alice accepted the trust; she agreed to Bob's request. So Alice can now decline the trust:

Method: POST
Path: /wallet/trust_relationships/<trust_relationship_id>/decline

The API's response is a revised trust_relationship object. It says:

state: cancelled_by_target

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--- end ---

Last updated